Sunday, July 17, 2011

Keeping Up With the Jonses

      I look around and I see seven year olds with cell phones, twelve year olds wearing fifty dollar shirts, teenagers threatening people on facebook and taking pictures in their underwear. I see young women altering everything about themselves. They color their hair on a monthly basis, spend countless hours in a tanning bed, and If they don't get breast implants they dream of the day they will have them. I see people attempting to alter their minds and bodies to be the wealthiest, the prettiest, the sexiest, and the biggest partier. I see people go completely out of their way to hurt others and themselves to ultimately prove that they are some how better or at the very least that they are, "keeping up."
        Lets be real, the things that define us in school are clothes, friends, sports, and popularity status. We carry this mentality with us through life. We subconsciously compare ourselves and feel as though we are less If we do not have more or match up. I know this for certain because I don't just watch it. I catch myself falling into the trap. Comparing what I have or what I wear or what events I go to or who I am with. When I play the game I always feel defeated. I hurt others and myself. I measure their success and my own by the scale of someone elses circumstances and goals. I never amount to the material level. I never have the best hair, the best makeup, the nicest jewelry, the perfectly polished nails, the fastest car, the perfect boobs, the coolest new technology. The truth is, I NEVER WILL and neither will you or anybody else! Why? Because society's idea of perfect is unreachable. It is unmeasurable. It is a bar raised to infinity. It becomes more expensive. It becomes less real and it becomes completely unobtainable until people are literally killing themselves to feel worthy in the least bit. There is no "BEST." There is no one definition of "Perfect." There is always someone willing to pay more, willing to "go harder" or bigger and willing to painfully and continously reach to this unreal level of existence! There is no off season and no break and no limit of money and energy people will spend attempting to fit this mold.

True happiness and inner peace comes from...
1.) Spiritual Growth- A continously growing relationship with Christ & our most righteous inner being.
2.) Mental Growth- Consistent effort to build your knowledge of living compassionately, honestly, and constant effort to obtain more knowledge of your righteous passions and purposes. (I.E. being a better parent, more financial stability, a better friends, a more positive outlook, etc. etc.)
3.) Emotional Growth- Learning to trust God and your inner voice in every situation regardless of pain or pleasure. Learning to let go of doubt, jealousy, and insecurity.
4.) Physical Growth- By this I do not mean an obsession with skinnier, more muscle, bigger breast, longer eyelashes, tighter skin (etc.) I mean a healthier heart, lungs, eyes, core, brain. A strong body that keeps you alive to experience love and life at every age. To experience your grandbabies and leave a legacy of inner beauty.

          When I set and reach my own inner goals of what I truly desire for myself and my children (strong partner, financial security, growth as a mother and teacher, positive impact on the peoples lives I come into contact with, etc.) I feel empowered! I feel capable of taking on anything that comes my way. I appreciate the joys of living and loving. I see my worth as well as the people around me. I appreciate the knowledge and unwavering faith and love they offer me. Each time I begin to feel the tug of material emotion creep up over me I am left feeling alone on an endless road to perfection. It feels like living is a battle because this material way is not what my heart truly desires. There is no meeting the magnitude of this material mindset. Society's idea of beautiful and strong is sick and tainted with expensive plastic and cotton. The "If I only had more I would feel better," mentality is temporary and we are right back to square one. Living paycheck to paycheck or waiting for our purpose to suddenly appear.

          I want my children define themselves by goodness, honesty, charity, and love. I want the sports and clothes to just contribute to reaching their goals towards their honest passions and not to help them achieve higher social status. I do want my children to play sports, join clubs, wear clothes that are presentable. I want this for them so that they will have the opportunity to pursue different outlets to spread the goodness they have to offer. Those with inner peace, security, and self esteem do not need to alter their minds and bodies with material to fit in or make an impact. Beautiful on the outside does not at all hide inner pain and doubt and it does not equate happiness.

       I am not here to judge anyone or say they are have messed up or that they are messed up. Quite the opposite. It is never to late to redirect your intentions. I am simply hoping that this may help some people off to a new path that is not so self serving. I believe that If you look inside you will find everything you need and by appreciating what you have inside and are capable of achieving, you will find a new form of satisfaction. A satisfaction that cost less and feels better!

          Although the struggle and temptation of living the material lifestyle is hard to overcome and seemingly impossible to completely ignore, due to the media and the massive amount of society with the, "Please me now!" mindset, we can find ways to teach our children, the future!!, and ourselves how to experience love and joy on the deepest level without so many avoidable and painful experiences that come from the desire to "Keep Up With the Jonses."

          If we spent half the time, money, and energy on our inner selves and our futures as we do our outter appearance and status, we would mend a lot of brokenness in ourselves, the world, and the people of our past, present, and future! If you find yourself questioning or justifying your own actions than maybe you should step back and look deeply at who and what you are truly living for.