Thursday, March 10, 2011

Perception is Reality.

"Perception is reality!"
A history teacher of mine repeated this line over and over and over. Not one time did It ever occur to me that this statement was so true and so real that I would live my life by it. So many times in my life have I felt victimized. So many times have I felt intentionally attacked. I have allowed myself to feel guilt and resentment. I have caused a significant amount of pain to undeserving people because I was insecure. All because my perception, of the events taking place and the people that surrounded me, was weak. My mother invested all that she had into building me my dream (a cheerleading gym) and I was only 16 years old! She believed in me! and that is a small example of how much she has believed in me. Yet I doubted my capability to be committed to anyone or anything. My perception of myself was that I needed much more than I truly did. I believed I was a lost traveler and I even got a tattoo between my shoulder blades that says, "undefined" To me I was undefined. To me I wasn't anything or anyone.... I didn't want to conform to society's idea of success or life. One of the most important lessons I have learned in my life is that the perception we choose to be our reality is...just that.. A CHOICE! When I chose to define my life and my perception of what is real and right... I awakened something deep within myself. All of the moments I thought were so awful I see clearly as lessons learned. If someone said something hurtful to me I would take it personally. I would begin wrapping my feelings and beliefs around their words. Now that my perception is not focused soley on myself being victimized I can see that these people and the situations were brought about by other POOR PERCEPTIONS. Rather than boo hooing over someones opinion of me I focus on how I can teach people to see that people cause pain on others because they are fearful. Their perception of love, life, and people is fogged over by negativity and THAT is a much worse than someone's words. The feelings of insecurity that people have when attempting to build themself up by bringing others down is sickening. I know because I have done it. It is much worse than being insulted. Your perception is yours. You can allow it to control you or you can control it! I choose to perceive my life as a positive example. I set that as my standard. I will not contradict or spread nasty things if I disagree because I know that a disagreement is a mere conflict of communication. I set my standards for how I will act and react. I set my standards for the words I will use and not use. My life is my legacy. I honor the set of standards that I hold for myself and regardless If anyone believes I am coo coo or not as informed as I should be or any other disagreement.... I will not lose my perception of my reality. My reality is a WONDERFUL place. It is full of people with emotions who are waiting to pour them out. It is full of secrets dying to be discovered. It is overflowing with grateful people who are open minded to living inside of their own positive perception. I have created an unbreakable perception. One that no satan can enter and no super religious person can make me feel wrong for. My positive perception has been with me hand in hand in creating a reality that is full of real joy and love! I encourage you to define your perception of your life, your standards, your values, and your morals. Decide what reality you want to create. Don't ever compromise your perception. Don't let someone make you believe that you are not worth something...that you were fired because you suck, that you were broken up with because you're not good enough, that you are a failure. If they are lacking in communicating their expectations of you or doubting you than you must accept that this is a step in a new direction and embrace it! Imagine this.... two people have cancer. One feels victimized and that his life is over. He accepts that his life is over and is ready to go. The other sees this as his golden opportunity to live life to its fullest. To completely get 100% healthy and show this disease that it doesnt own his body! 2 men.....same situation....2 different perceptions. I want to be man number 2 in all that I do. Because we only have one life... and as Jason Mraz quoted, "We are not here for a long time, just for a good time!" :)

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