Monday, May 16, 2011

The Breastfeeding Mindset

1.) BREASTFEEDING: Only the Strong Survive-
The most important concept a "want to be" or newly nursing mother must accept is that BREASTFEEDING IS MIND OVER MATTER. TRUE dedication to breastfeeding is a conscious decision to trust your own motherly instincts and choose to nurse regardless of fear or pain! Breastfeeding, as everything in life depends on your attitude. It is not always easy or pain free. There are times of emotional and physical pain when you and your baby are learning to breastfeed! The benefits definately greatly outweight the pain and determination to succeed will prevail over any obstacle! When nursing is the ONLY option and in the mother's mind formula is not a choice than she will be successful! Preparing yourself to stay dedicated is extremely important! I suggest a woman read a self help book on confidence and determination over a breastfeeding book! Although they bring a lot of facts on nursing they do not prepare our minds to stick with what we believe when our fears make us doubt! Regardless of age, race, job, or circumstances breastfeeding is always best for baby! I stand firm in my moto that in breastfeeding ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE :)

2.) SUPPORT SYSTEMSupporting your own decision to nurse is by far the most important! Your positive attitude, determination, and faith are above all but having people you love most respect your choice and empower you is also very important! Make sure they know and understand your committment and only offer help in a supportive way! (Not offering an easy out or talking you out of doing what is best!) I believe that everyone should have a "Go To Girl" (someone with previous SUCCESSFUL breastfeeding experience!) This person can be someone you personally know or someone you have met through a support group (I.E. facebook breastfeeding pages, websites) Nursing is an ever learning and growing experience. Having someone to reassure you during different phases and moments of discomfort plays a huge role in your over all experience and perception of breastfeeding! Although we can google any question we may possibly have, it is not the same as real human connection and communication. I see breastfeeding as a secret society that many woman never join or experience BUT for those who do, we are united through a deep bond and understanding! You should never feel ashamed of any questions or concerns you may have because we all had our own trials and errors but through dedication and support we overcame them and have experienced joys a mother offers herself and baby!

3.) THE BARE NECESSITIESAlthough the only completely necessary requirements are mama and baby, I personally loved my medella pump, nursing cover, nursing pads, Lansinoh nipple cream, and boppy. I pumped once a day for the first three months. I did so to help with supply, store milk for emergency situations, or nights when I would work and Emery stayed with his grandma. Some women choose not to pump at all and that is awesome! Those women generally don't work or have very flexible schedules. (I.E. bring baby to work, set own schedule, work from home) Some women work and pump a lot. Breastmilk is always 100% better than formula but If you are a working/pumping mother than I do suggest to nurse every opportunity you get. The emotional benefits as well as baby to breast being best for supply is worth it! Milk comes on supply and demand. Which means the more you nurse the more you make! I loved nursing anywhere at anytime. I have always been confident and nursing in public empowered me. I felt a great amount of pride! With that being said, I do ABSOLUTELY love my hooter hider aka nursing cover! I work with children and out of respect I would use my nursing cover at work. I was never ashamed to tell them the truth about where Emery got his milk from and even was told cute stories of how my cheerleaders would play dolls at home and nurse their babies and my favorite story being a set of twins who turned their super man capes backwards like they had nursing covers too! Some women use their nursing covers anytime they are in front of other people and I think that is completely fine! When I see a woman with or without a nursing cover I get the same feeling of pride and joy!

4.) THE FIRST TIMEYour first breastfeeding experience may not be butterflies and fairys! Not that some women do not experience that! I personally have found that the majority of women are nervous and anxious and takes some time to truly feel comfortable and confident! Afraid to fail their baby the fear can consume a new mom! I say RELAX! Your baby will not starve! Your baby will not break! You won't let that happen. So relax :) Babies must learn how to nurse and mamas must learn too! We have to be patient and determined in this learning process! Some babies latch in five minutes and others latch in forty five. There are many different techniques and nurses can be very helpful! The first time I nursed Emery I held him in two different positions and struggled to get his mouth even close to my nipple. I buzzed a nurse to help. She immediatly sat me up, put him in cradle hold and shoved him right on (pretty forcefully) He latched and nursed for 20 minutes! Most hospitals have lactation consultants and most midwives and doulas know how to help get baby to latch! Learn latching techniques via youtube or websites and don't be ashamed to ask for help!

5.) AT HOMEBABIES NURSE A LOT. Eat, sleep, poop. I hear people say they quit nursing because their baby was always hungry. UHHH YEAH! Brain food! Babies must eat and eat a lot! This is normal and must be accepted for a mother to nurse successfully! Be prepared to nurse a lot in the beginning! I tell mamas to get use to the idea that they will pretty much be a nursing machine in the first few months! Eventually you become schedules and you do not have to nurse on demand. You will learn your baby in time BUT while they are brand new... LET THOSE BABIES EAT! ;)
BABIES DON'T NEED FORMULA. Don't overanalyze. Don't pump and calculate precisely how much they are getting. That is what is wrong with society! We measure everything by a number! You were born with the necessary tools to feed your baby! Learn to trust your instincts and learn your baby!
Breastfeeding truly is a God forsaken right. It is one of the most amazing blessings and one of the most humbling experiences a mother will ever feel. It is beyond science. Beyond explanation. beyond fancy ribbons or words. There is no price to put on the feeling of providing everything your baby needs to survive and grow! If you believe that your cause for breastfeeding is greater than yourself or any comprehension you currently have and you truly dedicate your mind and body to your child, through thick and thin than you will be rewarded with one of the deepest and healthiest levels of emotion and happiness that exists. You will not regret your decision to breastfeed If you see past the trying times and feel complete gratitude for your ability to give the gift of life and growth to your child!


101 reasons to breastfeed & latching info below

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